Similar words: executive, execution, consecutive, execute, chief of state, prosecution, diminutive, persecute. Meaning: n. 1. the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government 2. the office of the United States head of state.
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151. Stephen Miller, chief executive of Oasis, said: Where are traditional carriers most vulnerable?
152. John McCormick, RBS Asia Pacific chief executive told the paper the bank was looking at several ways to widen its Chinese exposure.
153. Ron Sconyers, a retired Air Force brigadier general, is the chief executive officer of Physicians for Peace.
154. Then, as the WRU went through its latest aneurysm, he was approached to become chief executive.
155. The extremely wealthy chief executive has decided that he is unhappy with the partisan politics in Washington, which he believes have prevented that country from setting its financial house in order.
156. Pfizer Inc. in February lifted a pay freeze that hit Chief Executive Jeffrey Kindler, lifting his pay to $1.8 million from $1.6 million.
157. Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yam - kuen will step in as acting chief executive.
158. AAPL.O) boosted the Nasdaq after Chief Executive Steve Jobs surprised investors by personally presenting the new iPad at an event in San Francisco. The stock rose 0.8 percent at $352.12.
159. In the UK, swheresthe rules are exhortatory rather than compulsory, one rule says the chief executive should not be, or go on to be, chairman.
160. The time has come for chief executive officers to transform themselves into chief enabling officers who enable, encourage, and enthuse employees that are toiling in the value zone.
161. Throughout China, a woman's position within her company is respected, said Cynthia Lett, the founder and chief executive of The Lett Group, a company that specializes in business-etiquette training.
162. It was Ron Brown's signature role as commerce secretary-playing shepherd to a planeload of American chief executive officers in search of new foreign business.
163. Chief executive Jim Owens later told reporters, however, that even more jobs may go.
164. Then the athletic commander-in-chief challenged First Lady Michelle Obama to a game of tennis and hit the links at an island golf club with partners including UBS chief executive officer Robert Wolf.
165. ODesk, founded in Silicon Valley in 2003, is a "game-changer", says Gary Swart, its chief executive.
166. Before joining H.P. as its chief executive in 2005, Mr. Hurd was chief executive of NCR, which had the leading data warehousing technology.
167. Volker Beckers, RWE npower's chief executive, denied that it was profiteering.
168. Guy Phillipson, the chief executive of the IAB, said: "Major brands restored their advertising budgets in 2010 and online was a big winner."
169. A former Pepsi-Cola chief executive, Mr. Sculley was impressed by Mr. Jobs's pitch: "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?"
170. Cumber, a Pakistani-born Muslim who is chief executive of the Austin-based mobile imaging company SozoTek, will work to improve the U.S. image within the 57-nation Islamic group, the White House said.
171. Dave Wentz, USANA's chief executive officer, said, "We are very excited about this acquisition and the opportunity that it provides for USANA to ultimately establish a business via BabyCare in China."
172. Lloyds said Antonio Horta-Osorio will become its new chief executive early next year, succeeding Eric Daniels, who had previously said he planned to retire.
173. They prepared a big dinner against the return of the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation.
174. Even now, as Starbucks seems more and more like every other retailer, Schultz doesn't seem quite like any other chief executive. He's still an iconoclast.
175. Its chief executive, Jamie Dimon, is a friend of President Obama's from Chicago, a frequent White House guest and a big Democratic donor.
176. "The financial crisis is a downward spiral with two twists," said George Feiger, chief executive of Contango Capital Advisors in Berkeley, California.
177. Buying Wellstream supports Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Immelt's strategy to build up GE's industrial business while shrinking the finance unit as a source of sales and profit.
177. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
178. A regional breakdown of tourism figures will not be available until next year but Tourism Ireland chief executive Paul O'Toole said there was a more balanced spread of tourists across the regions.
179. Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang policy maker, says the initiatives remain on the table.
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